How to Upload Your Journey Progress in Fifa 18

FIFA xviii is simply days abroad – and to celebrate, EA Sports has released more than data nigh The Journey: Hunter Returns.

The popular game manner returns for a second season afterwards EA revealed it was played almost 14 meg times on FIFA 17.


It'll see Alex Hunter travel around the world as he continues his meteoric rising from obscurity to global superstar.

Sadly, EA appear that you volition not be able to create your own grapheme, so you're stuck with Hunter – however, yous will be able to customize your player, with thousands of options available to change his look and style.

EA Sports has revealed the extent to which you'll be able to customise Alex Hunter

EA Sports has revealed the extent to which yous'll be able to customise Alex Hunter

Now this is where it gets interesting.

If y'all expect closely at the options bachelor, a lot of them are locked – and tin can only exist selected past completing various deportment.

Three, for example, require Hunter to earn a certain amount.

One requires him to attain 'Max Cool' personality, while some other, more than garish await, can exist unlocked if Hunter reaches 'Max Peppery' personality.

Although details are nonetheless to be confirmed, we can near be certain that other attributes – such as tattoos, volition follow the aforementioned format.

EA confirmed the FIFA 18 demo will include the start part of the The Journeying 2 – and will save your progress then you can go along the story should you buy the full game.

So, what actually happens to Hunter during The Journey ii? Well, in a discussion: lots (SPOILER ALERT)

They've broadened out the storylines, given information technology loads of new branches, significant your Hunter character isn't guaranteed to cease up in the same place at the end of the flavor as one of your friends.

So, with that in mind,Dream Team actually got to play a few scenes from the new game, and this is everything we saw during the 20 minute preview session.

Of course, the following bits does contain modest spoilers – just it only covered a couple of weeks in the game, and then you are probably safe to read on. Let's brainstorm…

The scene begins with Hunter in his apartment with his granddad and Mum

So the hostage Jim Hunter is even so in the game, besides every bit Hunter's Mum Catherine.

Alex is simply doing his matter, earlier his agent, Michael, turns upwardly at his door.

It'south a familiar scene, as Michael bundles in with his voice raised, Jim Hunter wary, while Alex gets off his sofa to chat.

Michael, his agent, says an offer from Real Madrid is on the cards

Yup. Now we don't know if this will happen for everyone, but Michael says due to his expert performance in pre-season,Los Blancos take come in for Hunter.

Hunter responds, by saying information technology has been his dream to play for Madrid his whole life, listing heroes such as Roberto Carlos equally the reason why he would be open to the motion.

Jim Hunter isn't and so certain, and says Alex is too immature – nonetheless, tells him that information technology is his decision. Cut to…

Alex Hunter is at present regarded as a snake in the dressing room

The preview we played included Hunter as a Chelsea player, only this may obviously differ according to the options yous might be offered at the get-go of The Journey ii.

We're reliably informed that there'south a couple of other events that atomic number 82 to Hunter beingness seen as a bit of an outcast by his swain players and fans, simply we didn't get to see them.

Eden Hazard shakes his head disapprovingly, as he leaves the changing room.

The fans boo Hunter equally he'south left on the bench

For the reasons we're non certain of (see to a higher place), Hunter is clearly disliked by his guild'due south fans now.

He is booed when he is accosted onto the pitch, and coach Butler asks him if he's upward for the challenge.

We're given the standard 3 options – either completely dismiss the fans, say you'll show them wrong, or go for a more moderate arroyo.

Basically, you lot lose the game he'south brought on for

In the simulation we played, Chelsea were trailing iii-0 to Manchester United with fifteen minutes to go.

There's not a lot you tin do about it – though we did score with Hunter in the game, and he wasstillbooed.

Now comes the twist…

Following the game, nosotros're back at Hunter's flat. Michael arrives, and tells him he has to get outimmediately.

Hunter is then rushed into the dorsum of a cab, merely is held up by the notoriously terrible London traffic.

But here comes the plot twist – Michael is lament most the traffic, Hunter asks him why he had to be rushed out of his flat, and Michael turns to him and says: "I'k trying to save your career."

Unfortunately, that's all we got to play – and it ended on a bewilderment!

As we mentioned earlier, this is justa few scenesfrom the Journey, and it might all exist different for each individual player as you will still accept to be making decisions starting, presumably, from pre-flavor.

The scenes we played were two games into the season, with just a week left until Transfer Deadline Day… which could get very interesting indeed.

Sentinel: Dream Team Comedy Sketch – How many of these lame excuses volition your mates make in FIFA 18?


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