Did the Church Forbid Reading the Bible

Censorship of the Bible includes restrictions and prohibition of possessing, reading, or using the Bible in general or any particular translation of information technology. Violators of those Bible prohibitions take been punished past killing, imprisonment, forced labor, and adjournment, every bit well as past burning or confiscating the Bible or Bibles used or distributed. Censorship of the Bible occurred in the past and is still going on today.

In the 20th century, Christian resistance to the Soviet Union's policy of land disbelief occurred through Bible-smuggling.[one] The Prc, officially an atheist state, engages in Bible burning as a part of antireligious campaigns there.[2] [3]

The Index Librorum Prohibitorum [a] of the Catholic Church included various translations of the Bible. In virtually cases, the bans on pious lay people possessing or using Bibles were related to vernacular Bible editions. Clerics were never forbidden to possess the Vulgate Bible translation in the Latin language. From the signal of view of most Protestants, the topic mostly refers to historical prohibitions of the Catholic Church confronting reading or possessing Bibles, not of the Latin Vulgate translation, or in the case of the laity, possessing whatever Bibles at all, including the Vulgate. From a Cosmic indicate of view, the censorship of the Bible was done both past restricting Bibles from those defective pedagogy and by censoring translations thought to encourage deviations from official Cosmic doctrines.[4]

Background [edit]

The Old Attestation was written mostly in Hebrew and partly in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Koine Greek, a form of ancient Greek. The books were translated into several other languages, including Latin. From about AD 300 onward, Latin began to affirm itself as the linguistic communication of worship in Western Christianity. This was aided by the fact many European languages, called the Romance languages, are all descended from Latin. In dissimilarity the primeval written Western Germanic languages date only from the sixth century. From Advertizing 382-420, a new translation was made into the Latin vernacular, the Vulgate, which became the dominant translation for Western Christianity in the 7th-ninth centuries. From about the ninth century it was regarded as the only valid Bible translation.[b] In Eastern Christianity, on the other manus, Greek remained ascendant.

Bible smugglers [edit]

Modern censorship of the Bible has met with resistance from groups such as Open Doors, Phonation of the Martyrs, and World Aid, which supply Bibles for smuggling or directly smuggle the Bibles themselves into lands where the Bibles or their distribution are prohibited.

Individual Bible smugglers include Andrew van der Bijl, David Hathaway, and John White.

Diocletianic Persecution [edit]

During the Diocletianic Persecution, Bibles were targeted as part of a larger program intended to wipe out Christianity. On February 24, 303, Diocletian's first "Edict against the Christians" was published.[5] [c] Among other persecutions against Christians, Diocletian ordered the destruction of their scriptures and liturgical books beyond the entire Roman empire.[9] [d]

During the Middle Ages [edit]

There were some controversies whether the translation in Old Church Slavonic was permissible. According to St. Methodius, he was officially allowed to utilise it by John 8 in 880. Yet Christians were forbidden to use the Old Church Slavonic translation by John 10 in 920 and by the Lateran Synod of 1059, with the synod being confirmed by Nicholas 2 and Alexander II. In a letter of the alphabet to Vratislav Two of Bohemia dated 2 January 1080, Pope Gregory 7 revoked his predecessors' permission to use the Slavonic language. The reason he gave was that "Not without reason has it pleased Almighty God that Holy Scripture should be a hugger-mugger in certain places, lost, if information technology were evidently apparent to all men, perchance it would be lilliputian esteemed and be discipline to boldness; or information technology might be falsely understood by those of mediocre learning, and pb to error."[xi] [12] [e]

Between 1170–80, Peter Waldo commissioned a cleric from Lyon to translate the New Testament into the vernacular "Romance" (Franco-Provençal).[13] He is credited with providing Western Europe the kickoff translation of the Bible in a 'modern tongue' outside of Latin.[14]

In 1199, Innocent III, writing in a letter to the bishop of Metz, banned the reading the Bible in private meetings (which he labeled as occultis conventiculis, or "subconscious assemblies"). Nonetheless, he noted that the desire to read and study the divine scriptures, was not to blame, but rather information technology was a recommended disposition. Since, all the same, the individual by himself apart from private meetings could hardly procure Bible texts, this ban was practically equivalent to a Bible ban for lay people.[15] [f]

Subsequently the end of the Albigensian Crusade, the Council of Toulouse tightened the provisions confronting the heretics in this ecclesiastical province. The Inquisition was the first to piece of work nationwide, and the University of Toulouse was founded, to which the Catholic Institute of Toulouse is also called. At the synod a full general Bible ban was pronounced for lay people of this ecclesiastical province, only Psalterium and Brevier in Latin were allowed.[16] [17] [18] [19]

We prohibit likewise that the laity should be permitted to accept the books of the Old and New Testaments; unless anyone from the motives of devotion should wish to have the Psalter or the Breviary for divine offices or the hours of the blessed Virgin; but we most strictly forbid their having any translation of these books."[xx]

This quote was non repeated in 1233 at the Council held in Bréziers. Although sections of the Council Toulouse were used, this statement was omitted. In the class of a confirmation of the writings in 1215 at Fourth Quango of the Lateran's condemnation of the writings of David of Dinant ordered Gregory Nine. in 1231, to hand over all the theological books written in Latin to the diocesan bishops. At the 2d Council of Tarragona (Conventus Tarraconensis) in 1234, the Spanish bishops, according to a decree of Male monarch James I of Aragon, declared that it was forbidden to anyone, to ain a translation of the Bible. They had to be burned within eight days, otherwise, they were considered heretics.[21] [22] [23] [24]

At the diocesan synod of Trier (Synodus Dioecesana Trevirensis) convened by Archbishop Theodoric Ii in 1231, declared heretics called Euchites were described as having translated the scriptures into German:[25] [26]

In that location was an unnatural heresy everywhere. In the year of 1231 in the same urban center and territory, heretics were perceived at iii schools. And several of them belonged to that sect, and many of them were taught from the scriptures, which they had translated into High german.

At the synod of Béziers (Concilium Biterrense) in 1246[g] it was besides decided that the laity should have no Latin and vernacular and the clergy no vernacular theological books.[27] [28]

Charles Iv, Holy Roman Emperor issued an edict confronting High german interpretations of Scripture at the request of Pope Urban Five 1369 in Lucca, This was in order that such interpreters would not seduce laymen and malevolent spirits to heresy or error.[29] Nevertheless, his son started the handwritten Wenceslas Bible in 1385.

In 1376, Pope Gregory XI ordered that all literature on the Bible should be placed nether ecclesiastical direction. As a outcome, simply the Vulgate and a few poor quality translations in national languages were tolerated.[30]

John Wycliffe (1330–1384), a theologian with pre-Reformation views, finished the get-go administrative translation of the Bible from Latin into English in 1383. His teachings were rejected in 1381 by Oxford Academy and in 1382 by the church building. For fear of a popular uprising Wycliffe was not charged. The translation of the Bible caused peachy unrest amongst the clergy, and for their sake, several defensive provincial synods were convened, such as the 3rd Quango of Oxford (concluded in 1408). Under the chairmanship of Archbishop Thomas Arundel, official positions confronting Wycliffe were written in the Oxford Constitution and Arundel Constitution. The latter reads as follows:[31]

[…] that no 1 in the futurity will interpret any text of Scripture into English or into any other text than book, scripture or tract, or that such a book, scripture or tract be read, whether new in the fourth dimension of said John Wycliffe written or written in the future, whether in part or equally a whole, public or subconscious. This is under the penalization of the greater excommunication until the bishop of the identify or, if necessary, a provincial quango approves the said translation. Simply those who act confronting information technology should exist punished like a heretic and simulated teacher.

Dissimilar before, translations of liturgical readings and preaching texts (psalms, pericopes from the Gospels and Epistles) were at present leap to an exam by church authorities. Individuals like William Butler wanted to go even further and as well limit Bible translations to the Latin language solitary. In 1401, Parliament passed the De heretico comburendo law in order to suppress Wycliffe's followers and conscience their books, including the Bible translation. At the Council of Constance in 1415, Wycliffe was finally proclaimed a heretic and condemned as "that pestilent wretch of damnable retentivity, yea, the forerunner and disciple of anti-christ who, every bit the complement of his wickedness, invented a new translation of the Scriptures into his mother-tongue."[32] His helpers Nicholas Hereford and John Purvey were forced to recant their teachings, and his bones, every bit adamant past the council were finally burned in 1428. However, his translation of the Bible along with 200 manuscripts were secretly preserved and read past followers, and have survived to the present mean solar day. Even so, Wycliffe'south Bible was not printed until 1731, when Wycliffe was historically conceived every bit the forefather of the English language Reformation.[33] The next English Bible translation was that of William Tyndale, whose Tyndale Bible had to be printed from 1525 outside England in areas of Germany sympathetic to Protestantism. Tyndale himself was sentenced to death at the stake because of his translation work. He was strangled in 1536 near Brussels and so burned.

From the printing press until the Reformation [edit]

Around 1440–1450 Johannes Gutenberg invented a printing printing with movable type, with which he produced the Gutenberg Bible. His invention rapidly spread throughout Europe. In 1466 the Mentelin Bible was the offset vernacular language Bible to be printed. Information technology was a word-for-word translation from the Latin Vulgate.[34]

Pope Paul Two (pontificate 1464–1471) confirmed the decree of James I of Aragon on the prohibition of Bibles in vernacular languages.[35] Under Isabella I of Castile and her husband Ferdinand II of Aragon, the printing of vernacular Bibles was prohibited in Castilian state police force. The Spanish Inquisition which they instituted ordered the destruction of all Hebrew books and all vernacular Bibles in 1497. This was five years later the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. In 1498, the Inquisition stated that it was incommunicable to interpret the Bible into a modern language without making mistakes that would plunge unskilled and particularly new converts into doubts nearly faith.[36]

The complete translation of the Bible into a Romance linguistic communication,[h] a transfer of the Vulgate into Valencian, was made by the Carthusian order general Bonifaci Ferrer (1355-1417) and was printed in 1478.

Past alphabetic character of March 17, 1479, Sixtus Iv authorized the rector and dean of the University of Cologne to intervene with ecclesiastical censors confronting printers, buyers and readers of heretical books. This authorization was approved past Pope Alexander VI. In several theological and non-theological books from this period a printing patent is included in the publications. From this time also printing patents of the Patriarch of Venice can be found. With the censorship of Jan 4, 1486 and an executive lodge of Jan 10, the Elector-Archbishop Berthold von Henneberg of Mainz can exist considered a pioneer in censorship regulation in the German-speaking countries for Mainz, Erfurt, and Frankfurt. His censorship decisions did not business secular topics, just instead targeted specific religious texts, especially translations from Latin and Greek into the German. Berthold was of the opinion that the German language was too poor to reproduce the precise and well-formulated Latin and Greek texts. Up to this time, no heretical writings had appeared printed in German, but since 1466 about x relatively identical High german Bible translations were completed. He commented:[37]

Divine printing makes the utilize of books accessible to the earth for instruction and edification. Merely many, equally we accept seen, misuse this art out of lust for glory and greed for money, so that they destroy humanity instead of enlightening it. Thus, in the hands of the people, which are translated from Latin into German language, libri de divinis officiis et apicibus religionis nostrae tin can be found for the reduction of organized religion and its peaks. The sacred laws and canons, however, are equanimous past wise and eloquent men with such bully care and skill, and their understanding is and then difficult that the elapsing of human life, even for the most discerning, is scarcely sufficient to cope with them. Nevertheless, some derisive and ignorant people have dared to translate those writings into such poor ordinary High german that even scholars are seduced past their work into great misunderstandings.

In 1490 a number of Hebrew Bibles and other Jewish books were burned in Andalucía at the behest of the Spanish Inquisition.[38]

16th century [edit]

From 1516 to 1535, Erasmus of Rotterdam published several editions of his Novum Instrumentum omne. Information technology was a double edition with both a new Latin version too equally the start impress of the Greek text, which was reconstructed in a few places by dorsum-translating Latin into Greek. In 1517 Luther published his Ninety-v Theses. In 1521 he was excommunicated with the bull Decet Romanum Pontificem, declared a heretic, and issued the Edict of Worms. In 1522, the commencement translation of Luther's New Testament was published. Information technology was translated on the footing of the Greek text of Erasmus. In 1534 the entire Holy Scripture was printed, completing the Luther Bible.

At the Quango of Trent, both Luther's and Erasmus's writings were put on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. Afterward printed copies of the alphabetize explicitly banned their Bibles too equally any prior editions and in full general all similar Bible editions:[39] [40]

Biblia cum recognitione Martini Luteri. […] Cum universis similibus Bibliis ubicunque excusis. […] Novum Testamentum cum duplici interpretatione D.[esiderius] Erasmi & veteris interpretis. Harmonia item Evangelica, & copioso Indice […] Cum passenger vehicle similibus libris Novi Testamenti.

[…] along with all like Bibles, wherever they may be printed. [...] [...] along with all similar New Testaments, wherever they may be printed.

The Edict of Worms against Luther was not enforced throughout the empire. In 1523, at the Reichstag in Nuremberg the papal nuncio Francesco Chieregati asked for the Holy Roman Empire to enforce the clause of the Lateran Council against press any book without the permission of the local bishop or his representative. He likewise wanted the Edict of Worms to be enforced. Instead, on March six, 1523, it was decreed that until the demanded church council could be held, local rulers themselves should ensure that no new writings were printed or sold in their territories unless they had been approved past reasonable men. Other writings, specially those of an insulting nature, were to be banned under severe penalisation.

The 1529 Diet of Speyer limited its decrees essentially to repeating the resolutions of 1523 Nutrition of Augsburg. On May xiii, 1530, the papal nuncio gave the Emperor a memorandum which recommended that the Edict of Worms and the bull of Leo X was to be implemented by imperial decree and on pain of punishment. Post-obit the Protestation at Speyer at the conclusion of the Reichstag on November nineteen, 1530, it was decided that nothing should be printed without specifying the printer and the press location. The nuncio's request had failed.

Every bit part of the 1541 Diet of Regensburg which set the terms of the Regensburg Interim, the dominion against publishing insults was repeated.

England [edit]

In 1534, the Canterbury Convocation requested that the rex commission a new translation of the Bible by suitable persons and authorize the reading of the new translation. Although the rex did not designate translators, new translations appeared from 1535 and afterwards. In 1536 and 1538 Thomas Cromwell prescribed that Coverdale'south translation of the Bible was to be placed in every church building. These Bibles were to exist printed in a large size and chained to forestall theft. This translation came to be called the "Nifty Bible" or "Chained Bible."

Index Librorum Prohibitorum [edit]

Around this fourth dimension, the papal Alphabetize Librorum Prohibitorum began to be developed. At the 1548 Nutrition of Augsburg, which pronounced the terms of the Augsburg Interim, the ordinance against insults was repeated and the previous provisions were extended to include the name of the author or poet. In improver, books were to be checked earlier printing by the "ordinary authorization of every place." There was a sentiment against that which was "rebellious and ignominious or unruly or obnoxious to the Cosmic Doctrine of the Holy Christian Church." The already printed books of Luther were to exist suppressed. The Holy Roman Imperial Fiscal official was to arbitrate against the offending authorities. Afterwards the 1555 Peace of Augsburg concluded the Augsburg Interim and increased religious freedom by declaring cuius regio, eius religio, the papal Alphabetize Librorum Prohibitorum was only observed as law in Cosmic territories.

General Rules in the Roman Alphabetize [edit]

Pius Iv (pontificate 1559–1565) also added general rules to the Index Romanus. In the commencement printed and published version of 1559, there are xxx Latin editions of Scripture, 10 New Testament editions, and two short general rules for Bibles in strange languages.

At the 18th meeting of the Council of Trent on 26 February 1562, information technology was decided to work out general indexing rules. On December three or 4th, 1563, the Council decided to submit its proposal, the Decretum de indice librorum, to the Pope for final adaptation. With the bull Dominici gregis custodiae the Alphabetize tridentinus was published on March 24, 1564 by the Pope. In it all the writings of all heresiarchs (all Reformers) were included on the index, regardless of whether they contained theology, religious words, or descriptions of nature. Especially on Bibles, Rules three and 4 came into play:

Rule three.
The translations of older ecclesiastical writers (for example, Church Fathers) published by authors of the first course are allowed if they practise not oppose the audio doctrine. Translations [in Latin] by scholars and pious men of Former Testament books originating from first-class authors may be authorized past bishops, but but as explanations of the Vulgate for understanding the Scriptures and non as Bible texts. On the other hand, translations [in Latin] of the New Attestation are not to be permitted past first-class authors, considering reading them does not bring much benefit to the readers. Instead, such translations pose much danger. Commentaries by First Course authors, on the condition they are associated with such Erstwhile Testament or Vulgate translations, may be immune for use by pious and learned men afterward theologically suspect men have been dealt with by theological faculties or the Roman Inquisition. This is especially truthful of the so-chosen Bible of the Vatablus. Forewords and Prolegomena are to be removed from the Bibles of Isidore Clarius; But let no one have the text of the text of the Vulgate.[41]

Rule 4.

Since experience teaches that if the reading of the Bible in the vernacular is permitted to all without distinction more harm than good results because of the brazenness of men, the judgment of the bishop and inquisitor should be decisive with respect to colloquial translations.

The reading of the Bible in vernacular translations past Cosmic writers may be permitted at the judgement of the applicable advisor or confessor. The counselor or confessor may permit the reading of such translations when they realize that reading such translations can bring no harm, merely instead will augment faith and piety.

This permission should be given in writing. He who reads or has read a Bible in the vernacular without such permission should not exist able to receive absolution from his sins until he has delivered the Bible translation to the bishop. Booksellers who sell or otherwise procure Bibles in the colloquial to those who lack permission shall be required to pay for books for the bishop to use for religious purposes. Other punishments may exist given according to the nature of the crime, with penalties that elapse at a set time. Members of Religious orders may not read and buy such Bibles without the permission of their superiors.[41]

The rules were reprinted in each version until the reform in 1758. Believers were forbidden to make, read, own, buy, sell or give away these books on the basis of excommunication.[42]

With this addition, the rule remained valid until 1758. How information technology was dealt with in each country was different. In a Catholic country like Bavaria, it was state law. In item, booksellers had their licenses revoked for violating it. In contrast, in Württemberg, a refuge of Protestantism, the index functioned more than like a blacklist. But it also found application in elite Catholic schools in secularized France until the 20th century. In full general, secularized France almost never used the Roman Index.[41] [43]

17th–18th centuries [edit]

Unigenitus [edit]

In 1713 Clement XI issued the bull Unigenitus dei filius in order to fight against Jansenism. The bull condemned 101 excerpts from the work Réflexions morales past Pasquier Quesnel, including the following propositions:[44]

It is useful and necessary at all times, in all places and for everyone, to explore and get to know the spirit, the piety and the secrets of the Scriptures.[45] [i]

Reading the scriptures is for everyone.[45] [j]

The obscurity of the Holy Discussion of God is not a reason why laymen should excuse themselves from reading it.[m]

The Lord'southward mean solar day ought to be hallowed by Christians past readings of piety, and, above all, of the Holy Scripture.[l]

It is injurious to wish that a Christian depict back from that reading.[m]

To snatch the New Attestation from the easily of Christians, or to keep it closed to them by taking away from them this style of understanding information technology, is to shut to them the rima oris of Christ.[north]

To forbid to Christians the reading of the Holy Scriptures, especially the Four Gospels, is to forbid the utilise of light to the sons of light, and to cause them to endure a certain kind of excommunication.[o]

This bull was controversial amidst the French clergy for various reasons. Amid the reasons it was controversial was that it condemned various sentences from the Bible and the Fathers of the Church. But the 1719 balderdash Pastoralis officii threatened excommunication on all who did not submit to Unigenitus dei filius.[46] The Lateran Quango confirmed Bridegroom Thirteen'due south bull Unigenitus dei filius.[47]

Punishments against violators [edit]

As office of a program of persecution against the Salzburg Protestants, in 1731, Leopold Anton von Firmian – Archbishop of Salzburg every bit well as its temporal ruler equally Count, ordered the wholesale seizure and burning of all Protestant books and Bibles.[48]

On May 27, 1747 Jakob Schmidlin ("Sulzijoggi") was hanged as the leading head of a Bible movement in the canton of Lucerne in Galgenwäldli on the Emme. His corpse was burned forth with a Luther Bible. He is considered the concluding Protestant martyr of Switzerland. Where his farm stood, a colonnade was erected. Of over 100 co-defendants of this motion (from Ruswil, Wolhusen, Werthenstein, Menznau, Malters, Kriens, and Udligenswil), 82 of them were also punished, more often than not with perpetual adjournment. Since the Bible was at the center of this move and violations of censorship rules against the apply and possession of Bibles was 1 of the offenses committed by the convicted, subsequently the trial the authorities issued a decree that included a general prohibition on laymen having Bibles:[49]

We also want to prohibit all and each of our subjects, who are not taught, not only from selling the uncatholic and forbidden books, just also good Bibles and their distribution in any fashion. We volition see to it that any Bibles or other forbidden or other seductive books to date should be delivered to their pastors or pastors within a fortnight from the announcement of this telephone call, or wherever sooner or subsequently such things would be found behind them, nosotros volition be against those with all keep with appropriate sharpness ...

19th–20th centuries [edit]

Pius VII sent two breves apropos the Bible societies. One to the archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland (Nimio et Acerbo, June 29, 1816), and some other to the archbishop of Mohilev (Magno et acerbo, September 3[50]). Both breves are very strongly against the translations in vernacular of the Bible which were not canonical by the Catholic Church and letting untrained laypeople read the bible.[51] Magno et acerbo reads:[52] [51]

For y'all should have kept before your eyes the warnings which Our predecessors have constantly given, namely, that, if the sacred books are permitted everywhere without bigotry in the vulgar tongue, more damage will arise from this than advantage. Furthermore, the Roman Church, accepting only the Vulgate edition co-ordinate to the well-known prescription of the Council of Trent, disapproves the versions in other tongues and permits but those which are edited with the explanations carefully chosen from writings of the Fathers and Cosmic Doctors, so that so great a treasure may not be exposed to the corruptions of novelties, and so that the Church, spread throughout the earth, may be "of one tongue and of the aforementioned speech. [...]
For this purpose, so, the heretics take been accustomed to make their low and base machinations, in lodge that by the publication of their vernacular Bibles, (of whose foreign diversity and discrepancy they, withal, accuse one another and wrangle) they may, each one, treacherously insert their own errors wrapped in the more than holy appliance of divine voice communication. "For heresies are not born," St. Augustine used to say, "except when the true Scriptures are not well understood and when what is not well understood in them is rashly and boldly asserted." But, if we grieve that men renowned for piety and wisdom have, by no ways rarely, failed in interpreting the Scriptures, what should nosotros not fear if the Scriptures, translated into every vulgar tongue whatsoever, are freely handed on to be read by an inexperienced people who, for the almost part, estimate non with whatsoever skill merely with a kind of rashness?

Leo XII'due south Ubi primum (3 May 1824) also did non showroom any liberal attitudes, stating: "Y'all have noticed a society, commonly called the Bible society, boldly spreading throughout the whole world. Rejecting the traditions of the holy Fathers and infringing the well-known prescript of the Quango of Trent, it works by every means to have the holy Bible translated, or rather mistranslated, into the ordinary languages of every nation. There are good reasons for fear that (equally has already happened in some of their commentaries and in other respects by a distorted estimation of Christ's gospel) they volition produce a gospel of men, or what is worse, a gospel of the devil!"[53]

Pius VIII'southward Traditi humilitati nostrae (1829) states:[54]

Information technology is too necessary to picket over the societies of those who publish new translations of the Bible in every vulgar linguistic communication, confronting the sane rules of the Church, whereby the texts are astutely distorted into aberrant meanings, co-ordinate to the moods of each translator. These versions are distributed costless of charge everywhere, with exorbitant costs, even to the well-nigh ignorant, and oftentimes perverse writings are inserted in them so that readers drink a lethal toxicant, where they thought they were drawing the waters of good for you wisdom. For some fourth dimension the Apostolic Run across has warned the Christian people against this attack on the organized religion, and has condemned the authors of such a groovy misfortune. To this end, all the rules established by decision of the Council of Trent were recalled once again, every bit well every bit what was laid down by the Congregation of the Alphabetize itself, for which the vernacular versions of the sacred texts must non be allowed, unless approved past the holy see, and accompanied by comments taken from the works of the Holy Fathers of the Church.

In 1836, Gregory XVI eliminated the relief fabricated back in 1757. His encyclical letter Inter praecipuas of 1844 spoke out confronting vernacular Bibles of the Bible societies.[55] Hans-Josef Klauck considers when commenting this encyclical that that "there is a deep wisdom in the previous Catholic practice to forbid the independent reading of the Bible in the colloquial to laymen, or only to allow it with considerable caution, because they ultimately threaten to undermine the instruction authority of the Church building."[56]

Pius IX wrote in 1846 his encyclical Qui pluribus against "the most impudent Bible societies, which renewed the ancient bamboozlement of the heretics and translated the books of the Divine Scriptures, reverse to the about sacrosanct rules of the Church, into all national languages and oft provided twisted explanations."[57]

The situation in Nice was very unlike from the situation in the Duchy of Tuscany. The duchy had a reputation for being liberal during the rule of Leopold 2, fifty-fifty prior to 1849. There were 3 Protestant churches within the duchy: ane English language, one Scottish and one French. The French Protestant church building held fairs in the Italian linguistic communication. Later on the brief period during the commonwealth the subsequent counter-revolution, the liberal climate inverse to conservative. On May 18, 1849, 3,000 copies of a Catholic Italian translation of the Bible were confiscated and burned nether the orders of Antonio Martini, the Archbishop of Florence, even though they had been printed with permission. Persecution of Protestants increased. In 1851, services in Italian were outlawed. The possession of a Protestant Italian Bible alone was considered sufficient show for conviction. The near prominent prisoner was Count Piero Guicciardini, who was arrested with vi others. They had met on May 7, 1851, the day before his voluntary departure for religious exile, and read the Scriptures together. He was therefore sentenced to half dozen months imprisonment for blasphemy, which was then converted into exile.[58] [59] [lx]

In the Austrian Empire, the Patent of Toleration was published on October 13, 1781. In addition, on June 22, 1782, and October 12, 1782, Joseph Ii issued court decrees explicitly authorizing the import and press of Protestant books and stipulating that previously confiscated publications should exist returned as long as they were not abusive towards the Catholic Church.[61] These decrees were usually followed, simply the reforms were non always followed everywhere throughout the empire. In 1854 in Buda the police seized 121 Bibles found in a Protestant congregation and reduced 120 of them to lurid in a paper mill. In return the congregation was given 21 kreuzers due to the value of the books as pulp besides as the ane remaining Bible, "which is enough for the pastor."[62]

On December 7, 1859, in forepart of the Archbishop's Palace in Santa Iron de Bogotá in the then Granadine Confederation a great bible burning took identify.[63] [64]

On January 25, 1896 Leo Xiii issued new rules for the Roman Alphabetize with the Apostolic constitution Officiorum ac Munerum. [65] It was published on Jan 25, 1897. It generally contained some more relaxed rules and no longer automatically included all the books written by Protestants. It namely states:[66] [67]

CHAPTER I. Of the Prohibited Books of Apostates, Heretics, Schismatics, and Other Writers

1. All books condemned before the year 1600 by the Sovereign Pontiffs, or by Ecumenical Councils, and which are not recorded in the new Index, must exist considered as condemned in the same fashion that accept formerly been, with the exception of such as are presently permitted by Full general Decrees. 2. The books of apostates, heretics, schismatics, and all writers any, defending heresy or schism, or in any fashion attacking the foundations of Religion, are altogether prohibited. iii. Moreover, the books of non-Catholics, ex professo treating of Religion, are prohibited, unless they clearly contain zilch contrary to Catholic Faith. 4. The books of the above-mentioned writers, non treating ex professo of Faith, just simply touching incidentally upon the Truths of Religion, are not to exist considered as prohibited by Ecclesiastical Law unless proscribed by special Prescript.

CHAPTER II. Of Editions of the Original Text of Holy Scripture and of Versions non in the Colloquial

5. Editions of the Original Text and of the ancient Cosmic versions of Holy Scripture, as well as those of the Eastern Church building, if published by non-Catholics, even though apparently edited in a faithful and complete manner, are allowed only to those engaged in Theological and Biblical Studies, provided also that the Dogma of Catholic Faith are not impugned in the Prolegomena or Annotations. half-dozen. In the same style and nether the same conditions, other versions of the Holy Bible published by non-Catholics, whether in Latin or in whatsoever other dead linguistic communication, are permitted.

Brittany [edit]

The get-go New Testament translation into Breton was published in 1827 by Protestants after the Cosmic Church refused its publication.

Usa [edit]

In 1842, a Jesuit priest named Telman was responsible for the burning of a number of "Protestant" Bibles in Champlain, New York.[68]

Nazi Germany [edit]

In belatedly August 1933, government used 25 trucks to send almost lxx tonnes of Scout Tower literature and Bibles to the city's outskirts and publicly burned them[69] every bit part of a larger program of Persecution of Jehovah'southward Witnesses in Nazi Germany. Later on, in July 1935, state governments were instructed in July 1935 to confiscate all Watch Tower Gild publications, including Bibles.[lxx]

On November 9 and 10, 1938, thousands of Hebrew Bibles were burned in multiple communities in Deutschland as part of a plan of persecution against Jews.[71]

Canada [edit]

In 1955, law seized Bibles and other literature when raiding a house while Jehovah'southward Witnesses were worshiping there. The Jehovah's Witnesses successfully sued in response.

Red china [edit]

When the economic reforms implemented past Deng Xiaoping created greater openness to the West, Christians of various affiliations began smuggling Bibles and Christian literature into China.[p] The CCP viewed the recipients of those Bibles as engaging in illegal activeness in violation of the principle of not accepting aid from Western sources.[74]

The 1973 Ko-Tân Colloquial Taiwanese Version New Testament, confiscated in 1975. It is open to Acts 2:xiv–17

Taiwan [edit]

For ii years in the 1950s, churches were banned from using Chinese Bibles written with Latin messages instead of Chinese characters. The ban was lifted with an encouragement to use Chinese characters. A 1973 Taiwanese translation of the New Testament was the product of cooperation between Protestants and Catholics. It was confiscated in 1975, too for using Latin letters.[75]

Russia [edit]

In Russian federation, the activities of the Bible Society in Russia were greatly limited after Arbiter Nicholas I placed the society under the command of Orthodox church authorities. Post-obit the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, no Bibles were published until 1956, and even then the circulation was limited until the 1990s.[76]

Soviet Union [edit]

Aldis Purs,[q] wrote that in the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic equally well equally the Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic, some evangelical Christian clergy attempted to resist the Soviet policy of country disbelief by engaging in anti-regime activities such as Bible smuggling.[1]

The Marxist-Leninist atheistic and antireligious legislation of the Soviet Union "discouraged religious action to the point that information technology was essentially forced out of public life."[77] A team led by Ken Howard engaged in Bible smuggling into the USSR and afterward, published copies of the Bible through screen-printing methods "using fabric smuggled in as pall textile or worn every bit petticoats, [which] immune pages to be printed without being noticed."[77] Lxx-five operations were established throughout the USSR, with more than than one million pages beingness printed.[77] In 2021, the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. erected an exhibit on this Bible smuggling and screen-printing activity of Ken Howard and his team.[77]

21st century [edit]

Islamic states [edit]

In some, more often than not Muslim states, censorship of the Bible exists today, such as in Saudi Arabia where the distribution of not-Muslim religious materials such equally Bibles is illegal.[78]


Afghan Christians practice in secret. Bibles are not sold publicly.[79]


Importing & distributing bibles is illegal. As is evangelism.[fourscore]

Malaysia [edit]

The Prime Government minister clarified in April 2005 that at that place was no ban on Bibles translated into Malay, although they are required to exist stamped with a disclaimer "Non for Muslims"[81] The give-and-take translated in English as "God" is translated as "Allah" in some Malay Bibles, which is illegal as non-Muslims are prohibited from using the term "Allah."[82] In March 2010, the Malaysian Dwelling house Ministry seized 30,000 Malay language bibles from a port in Kuching, Sarawak.[83]

A lawsuit was filed by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur confronting the Government of Malaysia at the High Courtroom of Malaya to seek a declaratory relief that the discussion "Allah" should not exist sectional to Islam. However, in 2014 the Federal Court of Malaysia ruled that non-Muslims could not use the term "Allah," and 321 Bibles were subsequently seized.[84] [85]

Republic of the maldives

According to the Uk government, it is an offense to import Bibles into the Maldives due to local Islamic religious laws.[86]


Christians practice in secret, and it is illegal to own a Bible.[fourscore]

U.S. military [edit]

In 2009 the U.S. war machine burned Bibles in the Pashto and Dari languages, which were seemingly intended for distribution amid the locals, which is in alienation of regulations which preclude "proselytizing of whatsoever religion, faith or practise".[87]

U.S. schools [edit]

As well, when the use of the Bible by staff in U.S. public schools was restricted (along with teacher-led prayers), this prohibition was as well commonly referred to every bit a "Bible ban".[88]

Catechism 825 of the Catholic Church [edit]

Today Canon 825 governs Catholic Bible translations:[89]

Books of the sacred scriptures cannot be published unless the Apostolic Meet or the briefing of bishops has approved them. For the publication of their translations into the colloquial, it is as well required that they be approved by the aforementioned say-so and provided with necessary and sufficient annotations. With the permission of the Conference of Bishops, Cosmic members of the Christian true-blue in collaboration with separated brothers and sisters can set and publish translations of the sacred scriptures provided with advisable annotations.

Russia [edit]

In 2015, Russia banned importation of the Jehovah's Witnesses' New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.[90] [91] On May 5, 2015, customs authorities in Russia seized a shipment of religious literature containing Ossetian-language Bibles published past Jehovah's Witnesses. Russian customs officials in the city of Vyborg held upward a shipment of ii,013 Russian-language copies of Bibles on July 13, 2015. Customs authorities confiscated three of the Bibles, sent them to an "skillful" to study the Bibles to determine whether they independent "extremist" language, and impounded the rest of the shipment.[92]

China [edit]

The state-owned Amity Press is the simply publisher allowed to print Bibles in Communist china that are non for export. The quantity printed is restricted, and the auction or distribution of Bibles is limited to officially sanctioned churches, with online sales having been recently cracked down upon.[93] [94] [95] [96]

The Associated Press reported in September 2018 that the current suppression program in Mainland china includes the burning of Bibles.[2]

Singapore [edit]

Singapore has banned Bibles and other literature published by the publishing arms of the Jehovah'due south Witnesses. A person in possession of banned literature tin be fined upwards to S$2,000 (United states of america$1,333) and jailed up to 12 months for a kickoff conviction.[97]

In February 1995, Singapore police force seized Bibles during a raid and arrested 69 Jehovah's Witnesses, many of whom went to prison.[98] [99] In March 1995, 74-year-old Yu Nguk Ding was arrested for carrying two "undesirable publications", one of them a Bible printed past the Watch Tower Society.[100]

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ likewise called Alphabetize Romanus or "Roman Alphabetize"
  2. ^ See Bible translations in the Middle Ages
  3. ^ The edict might not actually have been an "edict" in the technical sense; Eusebius does not refer to it as such, and the passage in the Passio Felicis which includes the word edictum ("exiit edictum imperatorum et Caesarum super omnem faciem terrae") may merely have been written to repeat Luke ii:1 ("exiit edictum a Caesare Augusto ut profiteretur universus orbis terrae").[6] Elsewhere in the passion, the text is called a programma.[vii] The text of the edict itself does non actually survive.[8]
  4. ^ This apparently included any business firm in which scriptures were found.[ten]
  5. ^ See Tyniec § Cyrillo-Methodian Monastery for more on this
  6. ^ See Bible translations in the Centre Ages§ Innocent III, "heretical" movements and "translation controversies" for more on this
  7. ^ See Abraham of Aragon and Xanthous badge § Medieval Catholic Europe for more on this council.
  8. ^ sometimes credited equally a "outset," though information technology follows the Waldensian New Testament
  9. ^ Utile et necessarum est omni tempore, omni loco, et omni personarum generi, studere el cognoscere spiritum, pietatem et mysteria sacræ Scripturæ.
  10. ^ Lectio sacræ Scripturæ est pro omnibus.
  11. ^ Obscuritas sancti verbi Dei non est laicis ratio dispensandi se ipsos ab ejus lectione.
  12. ^ Dies Dominicus a Christianis debet sanctificari lectionibus pietatis et super omnia sanctarum Scripturarum.
  13. ^ Damnosum est, velle Christianum advertising hac lectione retrahere.
  14. ^ Abripere due east Christianorum manibus novum Testamentum seu eis illud clausum tenere auferendo eis modum istud intelligendi, est illis Christi os obturare.
  15. ^ Interdicere Christianis lectionem sacræ Scripturæ, præsertim Evangelii, est interdicere usum luminis filiis lucis et facere, ut patiantur speciem quamdam excommunicationis.
  16. ^ In 1981 the Bible smuggling functioning Open Doors launched an operation called Project Pearl to deliver 1,000,000 Bibles in a single night to a beach in the village of Gezhou[72] [73]
  17. ^ Aldis Purs faculty page at the Academy of Washington Department of Scandinavian Studies

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b Purs, Aldis (15 February 2013). Baltic Facades: Estonia, Republic of latvia and Lithuania since 1945. Reaktion Books. p. 79. ISBN9781861899323. The Soviet marriage was an avowed atheist land that placed corking restrictions on religious do. Resistance to state-sponsored atheism came from established (although heavily restricted and monitored) religious clergy and from believers roughly following an evangelical Christianity. In Estonia and Latvia Bible-smuggling from the Westward was one of the more common methods of anti-regime activity.
  2. ^ a b Bodeen, Christopher (10 September 2018). "Group: Officials destroying crosses, called-for bibles in Cathay". Associated Press. Archived from the original on 8 October 2019. Retrieved 7 September 2019.
  3. ^ "Santa Claus won't exist coming to this town, equally Chinese officials ban Christmas". Due south Red china Morning Post. 18 December 2018. Christmas is not a recognised holiday in mainland Red china—where the ruling political party is officially atheist—and for many years authorities have taken a tough opinion on anyone who celebrates it in public.... The argument past Langfang officials said that anyone caught selling Christmas copse, wreaths, stockings or Santa Claus figures in the metropolis would be punished.... While the ban on the auction of Christmas goods might appear to be directed at retailers, it also comes among a crackdown on Christians practising their religion beyond the country. On Sat morn, more than lx law officers and officials stormed a children's Bible course in Guangzhou, capital letter of southern China's Guangdong province. The incident came after regime close down the i,500-member Zion Church in Beijing in September and Chengdu'southward 500-member Early Rain Covenant Church last week. In the case of the latter, about 100 worshippers were snatched from their homes or from the streets in coordinated raids.
  4. ^ Ludwig Friedrich Otto Baumgarten-Crusius: Lehrbuch der christlichen Dogmengeschichte. Zweite Abtheilung. Verlage der Crökerschen Buchhandlung, Jena 1832; Zweiter Theil: Spezielle Dogmengeschichte. 21: Angelegenheit des Schriftgebrauchs. pp. 901–911 (Online-Version)
  5. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 22; Clarke, 650; Potter, 337; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 75; Williams, 176.
  6. ^ The Sometime Latin pre-Vulgate version is given here, from Corcoran, Empire, 179–80.
  7. ^ Corcoran, Empire, 180.
  8. ^ Corcoran, Empire, 179.
  9. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.2.4; De Martyribus Palestinae praef. 1; and Optatus, Appendix 2; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 22; Clarke, 650; Liebeschuetz, 249–50; Potter, 337; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 75.
  10. ^ de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 75.
  11. ^ English language Bible Translations Through 1611 A. D. by Ferrell Jenkins
  12. ^ Adolf Adam (German language commodity): Deutsch oder Latein? In: Adolf Adam: Erneuerte Liturgie – Eine Orientierung über den Gottesdienst heute. Herder-Verlag, 1972; abgedruckt in: KIBA – Kirchenmusik im Bistum Aachen, Baronial 2007, p. xvi
  13. ^ Lelong, Jacques (1723). Bibliotheca sacra in binos syllabos distincta, quorum prior qui jam tertio acutior prodit, omnes sive textus sacri sive versionum ejusdem quâvis linguâ expressarum editiones; nec not præstatiores mss. codices, cum notis historicis & criticis exhibet (in Latin). Vol. I. Paris: François Montalant. pp. 313–314.
  14. ^ Jones, W. (1819). The History of the Christian Church from the Birth of Christ to the Eighteenth Century. Vol. II. London: Due west. Myers. , p=18-nineteen
  15. ^ Horst Robert Balz, Gerhard Krause, Gerhard Müller, Siegfried Chiliad. Schwertner, Claus-Jürgen Thornton, Matthias Glockner: Theologische Realenzyklopädie. Walter de Gruyter, 1977, ISBN 3-11-008115-6, p. 66
  16. ^ Correspondence on the formation, objects, and programme of the Roman Catholic Bible Order, 1813
  17. ^ Edward Peters, Heresy and Say-so in Medieval Europe, Edited with an introduction by Edward Peters, (Scolar Press, London, 1980) ISBN 0-85967-621-viii, p.194–195.
  18. ^ Pierre Allix, Ecclesiastical History of Aboriginal Churches of the Albigenses (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1821.)
  19. ^ Realenzyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche, 2, p. 703
  20. ^ Edward Peters. Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe (Council of Toulouse, 1229, Canon 14), p. 195.
  21. ^ The Church Council of Tarragona (1234 AD), second Cannon.
  22. ^ D. Lortsch, Historie de la Bible en France, 1910, p.14.
  23. ^ Carl Mirbt (Ed.): Quellen zur Geschichte des Papsttums und des römischen Katholizismus, 3. Auflage, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1911, p. 155–156 (Online bei Archive.org);
    298. three., Synode zu Tarragona (1234): Bibelverbot; Mansi XXIII 329. – Heferle V 1037.
    301. Konzil von Béziers (Baronial 19, 1246): Verbot von Übersetzungen theologischer Bücher; Mansi XXIII 724. – Heferle 5 p. 1145 ff.
  24. ^ D. Lotsch: Histoire de la Bible en France, 1910, p. 14
  25. ^ Statuta synodalia, ordinationes et mandata Archidioecesis
  26. ^ August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben: Geschichte der deutschen Kirchenliedes bis auf Luthers Zeit. 3. Ausgabe, Carl Rümpler, Hannover 1861, p. 52 ff. (Online-Version)
  27. ^ Text-book of Ecclesiastical History - Volume ii by By Johann Karl Ludwig Gieseler, 1871
  28. ^ August Hahn: Lehrbuch des christlichen Glaubens. First part. 2nd Ed., Friedrich Christian Wilhelm Vogel, Leipzig 1857, p. 202- (Online-Version) (berichtet fälschlicherweise von einer Wiederholung des hier 1229 zitierten Canons auf der Synode von Béziers 1233, ebenso wie Hegelmaier; andere Teile von Toulouse kamen sehr wohl 1233 vor nur nicht dieser.)
  29. ^ Martin Leutzsch (article in German): Bibelübersetzung als Skandal und Verbrechen. In: Rainer Dillmann: Bibel-Impulse: Film − Kunst − Literatur − Musik − Theater − Theologie. Lit Verlag, Berlin 2006, ISBN iii-8258-9287-5, pp. 42–57, hither pp. 46–48.
  30. ^ Das Neue Attestation deutsch, Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon
  31. ^ A collection of the laws and canons of the Church of England: from its first foundation to the conquest, and from the conquest to the reign of King Henry Viii By John Johnson, 1851
  32. ^ Schaff's business relationship of Wyclif and the Lollards, quote from Arundel
  33. ^ Eberhard Zwink: Verwirrspiel um eine Bibel, Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, 1999
  34. ^ Friedrich Kapp: Geschichte des Deutschen Buchhandels Volume 1 (Geschichte des Deutschen Buchhandels bis in das siebzehnte Jahrhundert), Published by Börsenvereins der Deutschen Buchhändler, Leipzig 1886; Kapitel 9: Die Büchercensur und die Preßverfolgungen, pp. 527–535
  35. ^ Herbert Marsh; Johann Christoph Schreiter (Übers.): Vergleichende Darstellung der protestantisch-englischen und römisch-katholischen Kirche, oder, Prüfung des Protestantismus und Katholicismus: nach dem gegenseitigen Gewicht der Grundsätze und Lehren dieser beyden Systeme, J.E. Seidel, Sulzbach im Regenkreis Baierns 1821, p. 319 (Google-OCR: p. 519) (Online-Version)
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  37. ^ Fremde Räume, Religionen und Rituale in Mandevilles ›Reisen‹: Wahrnehmung by Christina Henss, page 32
  38. ^ The Spanish Inquisition, Henry Kelsea, London, White Lion, 1965, p. 98
  39. ^ "Biblia+cum+recognitione+Martini+Luteri"&s Alphabetize auctorum, et librorum, qui ab officio sanctae Rom. et vniuersalis by the Congregazione dell'Inquisizione, 1559
  40. ^ Testaments Index Librorum Prohibitorum – November. Exam., 1559
  41. ^ a b c Franz Heinrich Reusch: Der Alphabetize der verbotenen Bücher. Ein Beitrag zur Kirchen und Literaturgeschichte. Book ane., Max Cohen & Sohn, Bonn 1883, (Online-Version)
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  56. ^ Hans-Josef Klauck: Faith und Gesellschaft im frühen Christentum. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Attestation 152, Mohr Siebeck, 2003, ISBN 3-xvi-147899-1, p. 361
  57. ^ William Herman Theodore Dau: Luther Examined and Reexamined: A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation, St. Louis, Missouri: Concordia Publishing Firm: 1917, page 68
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  62. ^ August Nathanael Böhner (Mitglied der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft): Naturforschung und Kulturleben. In ihren neuesten Ergebnissen zur Beleuchtung der grossen Frage der Gegenwart über Christenthum und Materialismus, Geist und Stoff. Carl Rümpler, Hannover 1859, p. 144 (Online-Version)
  63. ^ Wie die Päpste von der Bibel denken, erstveröffentlicht in: Gartenlaube, Dezember 1873
  64. ^ Hermann Rafetseder: Bücherverbrennungen: die öffentliche Hinrichtung von Schriften im historischen Wandel, Böhlau, 1988, ISBN 3-205-08858-1, p. 264
  65. ^ Officiorum ac Munerum, full text in Latin
  66. ^ Officiorum air-conditioning Munerum – The Prohibition and Censorship of Books, by Pope Leo Xiii, 25 January 1897, English translation
  67. ^ Albert Sleumer: Index Romanus: Verzeichnis sämtlicher auf dem römischen Index stehenden deutschen Bücher desgleichen aller fremdsprachlichen Bücher seit dem Jahre 1870, 2. Ed., G. Pillmeyer's Buchhandlung, Osnabrück 1906, Imprimatur: Baronial 26, 1906, Hubertus (Online-Version) p. 24–34
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  69. ^ Garbe, Detlef (2008). Between Resistance and Martyrdom: Jehovah's Witnesses in the Third Reich. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 92–99. ISBN978-0-299-20794-6.
  70. ^ Garbe 2008, pp. 117–135.
  71. ^ Why Did the Nazis Burn the Hebrew Bible? Nazi Germany, Representations of the By, and the Holocaust past Alon Confino, The Journal of Modern History 84(2), issue titled, The Jew in the Modern European Imaginary, June 2012, pp. 369–400
  72. ^ Hoyle, Russ (Oct 19, 1981), "Risky Rendezvous at Swatow", Time, p. 109 .
  73. ^ Dunch, Ryan (1991), Protestants and the State in Postal service-Mao China (MA thesis), University of British Columbia, 35.
  74. ^ Spiegel, Mickey (2004), "Control and Containment in the Reform Era", in Kindopp, Jason; Hamrin, Ballad Lee, God and Caesar in China: Policy Implications of Church-State Tensions, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 51–52.
  75. ^ The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and the Advocacy of Local Autonomy, page 6 of the document, page 22 of the pdf
  76. ^ History of The Bible Society in Russia, in Russian
  77. ^ a b c d "'Serving the Soviets': New exhibit at Museum of the Bible tells story of Ken Howard, who covertly printed Bibles in USSR for decades". Museum of the Bible. Retrieved 5 May 2021. ...practices of the state discouraged religious activity to the signal that it was substantially forced out of public life. Initially, Howard and his team struggled to smuggle Bibles into the officially atheist country. However, Howard'southward discovery of screen printing changed their strategy; instead of smuggling Bibles in, they would print them within the borders. Rudimentary screen-printing methods, using fabric smuggled in as mantle cloth or worn as petticoats, immune pages to be printed without beingness noticed. Eventually, in that location were 75 printing operations throughout the USSR, and more i one thousand thousand pages were printed.
  78. ^ "Saudi Arabia's New Law Imposes Capital punishment for Bible Smugglers?". Christian Post . Retrieved four May 2016.
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  83. ^ Christians say fed up with Najib administration Archived 12 March 2011 at the Wayback Machine
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  89. ^ Lawmaking of Canon Police, canon 825 Archived February 28, 2015, at the Wayback Machine
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Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_of_the_Bible

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